TV5 Monde, 64 Minutes, (France) | December 11, 2014
Entretien avec Jason Wright, ancien avocat à Guantanamo. Lors de sa première élection, Barack Obama avait promis de fermer Guantanamo. 6 ans plus tard, il y reste près de 140 prisonniers. Guantanamo est aujourd'hui la plus grande zone de non-droit au monde et une des plus grandes aberrations juridiques de l'histoire contemporaine.
Watch the video hereNPR’s All Things Considered | August 31, 2014
SKhalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks, is facing a military commission at Guantanamo Bay and potentially the death penalty. He was captured in 2003 but his case still hasn't gone to trial.
Read the whole article hereProfil Magazine (Austria) | July 29, 2014
Jason Wright hatte als US-Soldat und Militärjurist Befehl, einen der schlimmsten Al-Kaida-Terroristen zu verteidigen. Drei Jahre lang tat er das nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen. Dann stellte ihn die Armee vor die Wahl, entweder den Fall aufzugeben oder seine Karriere. Ein Gespräch über Pflicht, Moral und die Perversion des Rechtsstaats in Guantanamo.
Read the article hereThe Huffington Post | April 21, 2014
WASHINGTON — A military lawyer representing the mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is resigning from the U.S. Army, which was trying to force him off Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s defense team on the grounds that he needed to attend a graduate course this year.
Read the whole article hereCh. 3, The Defender, Jason Wright
Toronto Star Dispatches (E-Book) | October 24, 2013
Some have called it the “trial of the century,” saying it will rival Nuremberg for historical significance. Others decry the Guantanamo prosecution of alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others as a “show trial,” tainted by torture and secrecy.
Read the article hereNational Video Campaign | October 22, 2013
Former U.S. Army Major Jason Wright speaks to the tradition of honor in the U.S. Armed Forces, arguing there is nothing honorable about torture. The National Religious Campaign Against Torture mobilizes people of faith to end torture.
Watch the video hereCNN International, Christiane Amanpour’s | May 8, 2013
The vast majority of the 166 detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay say they would rather starve than spend another day in limbo. One of the more than 100 men now on hunger strike is an Afghan man in his early thirties, known only as Obaidullah – a prisoner with no charges filed against him.
Read the whole article hereFox News | October 15, 2012
Ten Taiwanese investors who poured millions of dollars into a real estate development project in Florida sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in D.C. federal court Thursday, alleging the government...
Read the article hereFox News | October 15, 2012
GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba – A U.S. military judge is considering broad security rules for the war crimes tribunal of five Guantanamo prisoners charged in the Sept. 11 attacks, including measures to prevent the accused from publicly revealing what happened to them in the CIA's secret network of overseas prisons.
Read the article hereThe Independent | August 15, 2012
A US Army officer representing one of Guantanamo Bay's most notorious prisoners has spoken out against the secretive nature of the Military Commissions system, insisting it risks becoming little more than a "show game" to execute suspects, denying them and the American people the right to a fair trial.
Read the article here